SpartanCast 7
Welcome to the SpartanCast, a student produced podcast about the Hazelwood East High School and its' programs and activities.
Direct Download of SpartanCast Episode 7
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Show Notes:
Interview with Mr. Swingler- Mr. Swingler was recently announced teacher of the year for Hazelwood East High School and District Teacher of the Year for Hazelwood School District. Discussed how he felt about winning, how long he has been teaching, and his future plans.
Thespian Troupe 1220- Talked to Mrs. Ladd, the sponsor for the thespians about what the clubs is, some of it's accomplishments, and the clubs future plans are.
National Honor Society-Interview with Mrs. Gott, one of the sponsors of the organization. Reviewed it's membership rules and policies. Talked about what the club does and what the club plans for the future.
Thank you for listening to SpartanCast.
Any comments or concerns can be directed to Mr. Bass in the Communication Skills department at Hazelwood East. 953-5200 x41270 or email
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