Thursday, October 13, 2005

SpartanCast Episode2- Airel Green

Welcome once again to the SpartanCast, a student produced podcast about the Hazelwood East High School and its' programs and activities. Episode 2 is our first completely student created and produced. Airel Green is your host for this episode and has taken it upon herself to be a leader in the school and become the voice for SpartanCast.

Direct download of SpartanCast Episode 2
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Thanks for stopping by.

Show notes

Freshman Class Club- Interview with Mrs. McCoy who started the club and discussed what the club was about, some of the clubs goals, who sponsors the club, and how long the club will last.

Alumni Mentor Program- Recieved information from Mr. Roberts about how the program will come into to place and why/how it was started.

Black History Month Program- Interviewed Mark Smith, one of the students who is helping to organize a black history program sometime at the end of February that will take place at night. Discussed possible themes and preformances.

Interview with Mr. Jeffery- Discussed how/why he came to East, his plans for East, and how he is enjoying his time here.

Interview with Ms. McGinley and Mr. Kyle- Ms. McGinley is a first year French teacher and Mr. Kyle is a first year Chemistry who are new to East. Talked about her plans for her class and about how she ended up at East.

Thank you for listening to SpartanCast.


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