Thursday, October 19, 2006

Spartancast 11

Welcome to the SpartanCast, a student produced podcast about the Hazelwood East High School and its' programs and activities.

Direct Download of SpartanCast Episode 11
To download this file, right click on the link above and select "Save Target As." This will save the file to your computer. If you would rather listen to it directly over the Internet, simply click the file and your audio software should start.
Thanks for stopping by.


Fall Activities- A look at the Fall Activities and there current status.
Creative Writing- Creative writing students express themselves through thier writing.
ACT- Improvements in the way Hazelwood East prepares for the ACT Test.

Thank you for listening

Any commments or concerns can be directed to Mr. Bass in the
Communication Skills department at Hazelwood East . 953-5200 x41270 or email
